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Sleepy behind the wheel? Consider the dangers of drowsy driving

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

New York may be known as the city that never sleeps, but that doesn’t mean drivers should follow suit. Drowsy driving is a hidden danger of the road that commuters may overlook compared to other impairments.

Recent studies show that sleep-deprived driving can be as risky as drunk driving. Knowing the dangers and spotting the signs of drowsy driving can keep you and others safe on the road.

How a lack of sleep impacts driving

Fatigue behind the wheel seriously affects your ability to drive safely. Here’s what happens when you’re sleep-deprived:

  • Slower reactions: You take longer to respond to sudden traffic changes.
  • Poor choices: Your judgment becomes clouded, leading to risky decisions.
  • Lack of focus: You struggle to concentrate on driving and your surroundings.
  • Short temper: Sleep deprivation can make you irritable and aggressive.
  • Microsleep: You might nod off for a few seconds without realizing it.

These effects may create a perfect storm for car accidents. Recognizing when you’re too tired to drive is crucial for road safety.

Warning signs of drowsy driving

Your body will likely warn you that you may need more rest. Watch out for these red flags that signal you’re too tired to drive:

  • Continuous yawning
  • Heavy eyelids
  • Drifting between lanes
  • Trouble recalling the last few miles
  • Missing road signs or exits

If you notice these signs, consider pulling over somewhere safe or swap drivers if you can. Your alertness is key to keeping everyone on the road safe.

Drowsy driving needs more attention from both drivers and lawmakers. Understanding the risks and knowing when you’re too tired to drive helps you make smarter choices about hitting the road. Always remember: no trip is worth putting lives at risk because you’re sleepy.
